Women’s Ministry

on 1st May 2023 by Jaimy Valiyanilam

She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. ~ (Proverbs 31:25)

Women play a crucial role in the formation of families, communities and in faith. Women’s roles have evolved in the Catholic Church over the years to be included as readers, altar servers, administrators of communion and office bearers of church administration. When we look at the larger Knanaya community, the diaspora of our people into many corners of the world has been led by our ambitious and pioneering women expanding our social and financial bearing as we see today. With this expansion, women helped to lay the foundations of new communities and churches as agents of faith as well as pillars of social engagement.

The beginnings of the Women’s Ministry in Christ The King Knanaya Catholic Church of New Jersey was marked by the establishment of Lay Ministry in 2018 including both Women and Men with the objective of uplifting the social and spiritual needs of the parish. Later in 2019, the Lay ministry was separated into Men’s & Women’s Ministry officially embarking on the journey of fellowship we see today. Since its humble onset, the activities of the Women’s Ministry have evolved in its mission and vision to further elevate the church and community experience.

The purpose of Women’s Ministry is to provide support and opportunity for women to study God’s word, service the community, provide network and encouragement to fellow women and most importantly enrich the parish community through fun social engagements. The Women's Ministry leads the celebration of Father’s Day by honoring the men and fathers of our community with food and festivities. They impart cultural wisdom to the younger generation of our parish by organizing a Megathiruvathira incorporating women of all ages during Onam celebrations. In addition, they serve the parish through volunteering to make Appam & Palu on Holy Thursday so we can break the bread together as a church family. When there is any calamity in the world or unfortunate events in any of our families, they are always the first ones to start a prayer line or rosary chain to offer support to the community through prayer. The Women's Ministry also organized a women only trip to Lake George & Howie Caverns to take a break from their busy lives to connect and to have fun with their fellow peers.

With the vision of fellowship, selfless act of service and elevating community experience, Women’s Ministry work tirelessly to integrate faith and fun in our lives. The Women's Ministry continues to work hand in hand with the other ministries, spiritual directors, trustees and families to be the conduit of God’s work in our community.


Jaimy Valiyanilam

Jaimy Valiyanilam